
Monday, November 29, 2021

SolveMe Mobile Puzzels

I did the SolveMe Mobile Puzzel in my mathbook.

First I made my mobile puzzels with the number on top.

The number I chose was 6 with 2 shapes on each side.

Next I did a puzzel without seeing the number. I chose 21 with 3 shapes on both sides.

Lastly some classmates in work space two wrote down there puzzels. We had to write down our puzzels that we can't see the answer to in our notebooks for Mr.Wong to answer.

I liked this tak because I was about this close to outsmarting Mr.Wong, (      ).

How to plant a vegetable or herb in a pot planter

Plant your favorite vegetable and or herb with these instructions.

"Legionella longbeache" is inside the soil. If it is inhaled it will cause death.


1. Trowel.

2. Soil.

3. Gloves & a mask.

4. Pot planter.

5. Water.


1. Put on your saftey gear.

2. Put the soil in the pot planter.

3. Poke a hole and put in the seeds.

4. Put some water over the soil.

5. Put some water in the box.

6. Put it in some sunlight.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021


 I completed the commenting task.

I commented on Koura-Beau's blog about "Fractured Fairy-Tale".

I asked Koura-Beau what his favotie part was, in his "Fractured Fairy-Tale".

I liked this task because I got to comment on my favorite friend's blog, but other then that this task hepled me improve my writing skills and learning how to write more polite words.


Tuesday, November 16, 2021


 I did some StepsWebs.

The first task I did was: Word Search. Next time I want to go a little bit faster.

The next task I did was: Choose the word. Next time i want to focus on the words that go in more than just guessing.

SSR Selfie

 I did the SSR Selfie task.

The book I read was: Bad Dog Flash.

My favorite part is when he finds many items.

I like this book because it shows me how mischevious dogs can be, but I still love dogs.

Friday, November 12, 2021

He aha tenei? (Maori)

 I completed the Maori task.

First I completed the answers using the Maori dictonairy.

Next I wrote down the answers for sllof them.

I like this task because I'm not that good at maori and writing the answers.


Fairy Tale

I did the fairy tale task.

My story that I made was jack and the beanstalk with: The Rock and, Humpty Dumpty.

First I thought about what characters to add.

Next I wrote the story with the characters I added to the story.

After that I changed some settings but kept the ending the same.

I liked this task because I wanted to make my own book ever since I was little.

Here is my story -v

Jack and his father Humty Dumpty were very poor so one day Humpty Dumpty told Jack to sell there donkey for money. On the way Jack got some beans from the Rock when he wasn't supposed to and he sold the donkey for the beans, and a little bit of money came back. When Jack went home he saw his dad, his dad saw the beans and within 0.02 seconds Humpty Dumpty ate the beans. The next morning Jack saw Humpty Dumpty on the ground unconscious. He went upstairs and got dressed, and when he came back downstairs a beanstalk grew out of his mouth. He went up the beanstalk and he saw the Rock jump off and land on his feet. Jack was confused but still went on into the mouse hole leading to a factory. Robot jack hid because he saw an ogre, going to his hiding spot he saw a golden duck. After the ogre left Jack stole the golden duck and went down the beanstalk. On the way down the duck did a squawk louder than earth's loudest bird and that triggered the ogre to go down the beanstalk. Lucky for Jack he was fast and when he went down the beanstalk fast and he RKO'd the beanstalk making it fall over with the ogre dying since he fell behind the beanstalk. Jack and Humpty Dumpty (Who was revived) lived a long happy life being very very rich.

The end

Monday, November 8, 2021


 I did i task called: Commenting. The commenting task is where you need to comment on some ones blog.

I commented on Emmanuel's blog about his fairy tale.

I asked him about what part he thinked about the most that he needed to change.

I liked this task because I was going to do the tree little pigs like Emmanuel just change it a bit more.

Here is my commment: 

SSR Selfie

   I did the SSR Selfie task. The book I read is called: Pig the Pug.

  I read 14 pages and my favourite part is when he gathered his stuff and put it on top of his toys because   he  looks so funny.

I like this book because my favorite pet are both in this book because I love both of those pets.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Basic Facts Boxes

 I completed the basicfacts boxes challenge.

I didnt get any wrong.

This task helped me do more addition.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Fairy Tale

 I completed the fractured fairy tale. In fractured fairy tale you make a fairy tale uing real fairy tales and make some of your own characters then mix up the story to your own but still keep the story in there.

My story is with Jack and the beanstalk. The story that I made using the story is: Robot Jack and the Ogre. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

SSR Selfie

  I did the SSR Selfie task. The book that I read is Wombat Stew.

 I read all the pages and my favorite part is when he dances.

I like this book because it makes me hungry when I read it.

Monday, November 1, 2021


I did a task called commenting. In commenting we have to write a comment on someone's blog.

I commented on Mayshar's blog about: Fairy tales.

I asked a question about how much she enjoyed reading the Fairy tales.

It was fun commenting on Mayshar's blog because I haven't done the Commenting task in a long time.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

SSR Selfie

 I did the SSR Selfie task. The book I read is: Pom and Pim.

I read all of the pages. My favorite part is when he makes a raincoat for Pim because it is cute to look at someone\thing that is wearing something that keeps you warm in heavy weather.

I like this book because it brings back memories of when I read it a lot a long time ago.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Silent Sustained Reading

 I did the SSR selfie task, the book I read was: The very first Easter.

I read 8 pages, My favorite part is when he wanted a donkey. I wonder why he didn't want a a horse car.\

I like this book because it reminds me of when I used to go to church.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Fairy Tale | The three little pigs

This week we did a fairy tale task.

The book I chose and read is: The three little pigs.

First I had to see the characters and write them down.

Next I had to look at the settings in the book.

After that I wrote down the settings in the book.

Lastly I wrote down the solution and problem.

I liked this tasks because my second favorite animal is a pig.


Monday, October 18, 2021

SSR Selfie

I did the SSR Selfie task. The book I read was: Stunt Performers.

I read 15 pages of the book, my favourite part is probably all of them.

I like this book because when I grow up I wanna be a stunt actor so this book really helped.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Mental Health Challenge 1.

I did the first mental health challenge.

First I had to ask my mum what music she listened to as ateen.

Next I had to list the music she listened to as a teen.

A few days later my mum asked me to share her the playlists of the songs she listened too.

I enjoyed doing this task because it involved my mum in it since I was planning to do something wih her.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Basic Facts Boxes

I completed the basic facts boxes challenge.

I got 100/100 answers right although I got distracted a little bit.
This task helped me know more addition.


I completed the art task to make my own art shape.

My art shape is combined with: 11 lines, 2 hollow circles, 4 ovals and, a circle.

I chose red and black because I think those colours combined look cool.

The shape was created on Kleki.

This task helped me learn a new shape.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Odd Bits ~ Challenge 1

I did the odd bits challenge task.

My odd item that I chose is a tea strainer. I chose this item because it looks very weird in my opinion.

This task was fun because I got to go around my mum's apartment and not stare at my Chromebook for half the morning.


Thursday, September 23, 2021


I did some Stepsweb.

The first task I had to was chunks. Next task I had to do was, syllables.

Net time I want to be a little bit more faster.


I did the poetry task. The word that I chose was, Congratulating.

First I thought of some colours, next I wrote down the 14 sentences for all the words.

My favourite sentence is about my teddy bear because I lost him a long time ago and I hope I can find him again.

Net time I want to write the sentences more sentence like for the poetry task.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Problem Solving

This week LS1 did the problem solving task.

There is a 1 by 5 collum of emojis and numbers to add up on the right.

On the right there is a 6 by 4 colloum with emojis in then, and on the far right corners there are boxes in all 4 collums that we had to put our answers in. I wrote down all the answers but thats ok.

I had fun doing this task.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

SSR Selfie

I did some SSR Selfie.

The book that I read was, Where there's a bear, there's trouble.

I read 4 pages in the book and my favourite part is when I saw the bear model because I can't draw a bear.

I liked reading this book because it reminds me how dangerous bees are.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Maori Questions

I did the Maori questions task.

First I wrote down my question, for example: Kei he te taonga?

Next I wrote my answer, for example: Kei te taha o te ipu.

After that I took an image of the materials I needed for my question.

I likes this because It helped me to learn new Maori words.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021


I made my own art shape.

My art shape is combined with: A triangle, Wha squares, A hollow circle and, A kao symbol.

I made the colours mangu ans kakariki because there my favorite colours.

I liked making my shape because it's my first time making a shape.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


I did some Tapakahi.
The first task I had to do was: Spelling.

After that I played a blocks game.

I need to be faster when I'm doing the game to get more tohu.

SSR Selfie

I read tahi pages in the puka puka: How the Grinch stole Christmas.

My favourite part was when the grinch stayed on a toka because I like to play with toka sometimes.

I liked reading this puka puka.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Problem Solving

I did some problem solving.

The first problem I had to do was about strawberries with times.

The math stragities I used were: Written Algorithim, Place Value and, Counting on/ back.

The answer for this question was 98.

The next problem I had to do was about burgers with division.

The math stragities I used were: Written Algorithim, Switch to Multiplication and, Counting on/ back.

The answer for this question was 49.

I enjoyed doing the division because It was fun to try something new since I've never done division.

Basic Facts Boxes

I did some Basic Facts Boxes.
I got no answers wrong while doing the Basic Facts Boxes.

In liked doing the Basic Facts Boxes.

SSR Selfie

I read 6 pages of: Scooby Doo the ghost town mystery.

My favourite part is how funny Scooby and Shaggy are.

I liked reading this book.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

BFB | Basic Facts Boxes

I did some basic facts boxes.

I did subtraction on the speed demon challenge, I got 06mins and 05secs.

I got no answers wrong, I enjoyed doing the basic facts boxes.

SSR Selfie

I read 8 pages of Hatupatu and the Birdwoman.

My favourite part is how many animals there are because I like animals.

I liked reading Hatupatu and the Birdwoman.

Problem solving

 I did the problem solving task.

In the beginning, on Monday I used, written algorithm, place value and, counting on\back for times. On Thursday I used, repeated addition, switch to multiplication and, counting on\ back for division. I did the division on Thursday because on Tuesday and Wednesday I didn't know how to do the division on those days.

I enjoyed learning about how to do the division.

Basic Facts Boxes

I completed a basic facts boxes brain biox challenge.

I got no answers wrong.

This was easy to do but next time I want to go faster.


I did some Stepwebs.

For the first task I had to do was find the word.

I got no errors when I was doing find the word task.

After I did the find the word task I had to do the choose the word task.
I only got 2 errors on this task.
I enjoyed doing both of the tasks.


 I did some ore Stepsweb.

The first task I had to do was: Choose the word.

I only got one answer wrong.

After choose the word the next task I had to do was: Word flash.
I only had to pass a few times.
I enjoyed doing both tasks.


I did some stepsweb.

The first task I had to do was: word search.

I got no mistakes when doing this task. The next task I had to do was: word search.
I only struggled on a few words. I enjoyed doing both tasks.

SSR Selfie

I did SSR Selfie.

I read the book The Wonky Donkey.

My favourite part was when The Wonky Donkey farted on the bird.

I enjoyed reading The Wonky Donkey.


I did the Madlibs task with my reading group: Duffy Readers.

First we had to write down a boys name, the name we chose is: Jack.

Next we had to write down Jacks freind's name, the name we chose is: Matt.

Lastly that we had to write down a city and a monster, the city we chose is: New York. The monster we chose was a vampire.

It was fun sharing our ideas on what to write down.


I made a google slide-show on Madibs.

I used invasion on my 2 Madlibs.

The first one I made was about cows.

The second one was about bowls, I will make some more in the future so can you please comment some ideas? It will help me on future madlibs!

Here is the slide show.

SSR Selfie

I read the book, Robopop.

The main topic is about Daisy and Dylan when there dad had to go out and they had to be babysitted by Robopop.

I liked the book because I like robots.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Rap or poem

I read the poem or rap for mondays literacy task.
I thought it was a poem because lots of the words rhyme.
Next I had to write own some interesting words from in the poem.
After that I had to guess who the author was, I thought the author was Mr.Wong.
I read the poem or rap for tuesdays literacy task.
I thought it was a rap because my mum showed me a video on the rap.
Next I had to write down some some interesting words from the rap.
The author my mum told me was Puff Daddy.

I read the poem or rap for wednesdays literacy task.
I thought it was a poem because when I say it out loud it has a rhythm.
Next I had to write down some interesting words from the poem.
After that I had to guess who the author was, I thought the author was Albert\Flamingo from YouTube.

I read the rap or poem for thursdays literacy task.
I thought it was a rap because my dad showed me a video on the rap.
Next I had to write down some interesting words from the rap.
After that I had to guess who the author was, I guessed that the author was Michael Jackson.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Opticall Ilusions

 I made my own optical illusion.

First I thought of some optical illusions to make. My first optical illusion was a duck bunny. Here is the image.

Next I made another optical illusion. My illusion was: what square is smaller.

Here is the image.

In the end it was fun to make my own optical illusions.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

How a trebuchet works

The army used to use trebuchets to knock down there enemy's castle. 

Heres an explanation on how they work.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Table Tennis | T2 W9

I  Learnt how to balance with table tennis equipment.

First I learnt how to hold the tennis bat properly.

Next I played an activity were I bounced the table tennis ball up and down on the forehand and backhand.

After that I did the same thing just bouncing the ball on the forehand and backhand every one bounce, next I had to bounce it 4 times and the 5th time I had to bounce the ball on the edge of the tennis bat.

Lastly I learnt how to drop serve the ball, all you have to do is let the ball bounce on your side first then hit it over the netb gently and a little bit hard.

I liked doing this because I like to do table tennis sometimes.


Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Frisbee Skills I PE wk 7

I learnt how to stop while cathing a frisbee and throwing it.

First we got into groups of 2 and threw it to my partner to were he had land in a balanced way.

Next Mr. Ogilvie and Joe threw a frisbee and we had to run then cacth it and then throw the frisbee into the frisbee hoop.

The last activity we did was a game of ultimate frisbee. There were 2 frisbees, also my team one with 1 to 0 points. 

I had fun doing this because I almost threw the frisbee into the hoop.

Thursday, June 17, 2021


 A summary is repeating ideas from an explanation.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Bright Fine Gold

The main idea of the book, Bright fine gold is: finding gold in NZ many of years ago, there was an experienced miner named Gabriel Read, he was probaly the first miner in NZ to find gold ever. 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Simple Machines

Did you know that there are 3 simple machines that are similar? they are wheel and axle, pulley and screw

they help make work easier.