
Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Mental Health Challenge 1.

I did the first mental health challenge.

First I had to ask my mum what music she listened to as ateen.

Next I had to list the music she listened to as a teen.

A few days later my mum asked me to share her the playlists of the songs she listened too.

I enjoyed doing this task because it involved my mum in it since I was planning to do something wih her.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Basic Facts Boxes

I completed the basic facts boxes challenge.

I got 100/100 answers right although I got distracted a little bit.
This task helped me know more addition.


I completed the art task to make my own art shape.

My art shape is combined with: 11 lines, 2 hollow circles, 4 ovals and, a circle.

I chose red and black because I think those colours combined look cool.

The shape was created on Kleki.

This task helped me learn a new shape.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Odd Bits ~ Challenge 1

I did the odd bits challenge task.

My odd item that I chose is a tea strainer. I chose this item because it looks very weird in my opinion.

This task was fun because I got to go around my mum's apartment and not stare at my Chromebook for half the morning.


Thursday, September 23, 2021


I did some Stepsweb.

The first task I had to was chunks. Next task I had to do was, syllables.

Net time I want to be a little bit more faster.


I did the poetry task. The word that I chose was, Congratulating.

First I thought of some colours, next I wrote down the 14 sentences for all the words.

My favourite sentence is about my teddy bear because I lost him a long time ago and I hope I can find him again.

Net time I want to write the sentences more sentence like for the poetry task.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Problem Solving

This week LS1 did the problem solving task.

There is a 1 by 5 collum of emojis and numbers to add up on the right.

On the right there is a 6 by 4 colloum with emojis in then, and on the far right corners there are boxes in all 4 collums that we had to put our answers in. I wrote down all the answers but thats ok.

I had fun doing this task.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

SSR Selfie

I did some SSR Selfie.

The book that I read was, Where there's a bear, there's trouble.

I read 4 pages in the book and my favourite part is when I saw the bear model because I can't draw a bear.

I liked reading this book because it reminds me how dangerous bees are.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Maori Questions

I did the Maori questions task.

First I wrote down my question, for example: Kei he te taonga?

Next I wrote my answer, for example: Kei te taha o te ipu.

After that I took an image of the materials I needed for my question.

I likes this because It helped me to learn new Maori words.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021


I made my own art shape.

My art shape is combined with: A triangle, Wha squares, A hollow circle and, A kao symbol.

I made the colours mangu ans kakariki because there my favorite colours.

I liked making my shape because it's my first time making a shape.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


I did some Tapakahi.
The first task I had to do was: Spelling.

After that I played a blocks game.

I need to be faster when I'm doing the game to get more tohu.

SSR Selfie

I read tahi pages in the puka puka: How the Grinch stole Christmas.

My favourite part was when the grinch stayed on a toka because I like to play with toka sometimes.

I liked reading this puka puka.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Problem Solving

I did some problem solving.

The first problem I had to do was about strawberries with times.

The math stragities I used were: Written Algorithim, Place Value and, Counting on/ back.

The answer for this question was 98.

The next problem I had to do was about burgers with division.

The math stragities I used were: Written Algorithim, Switch to Multiplication and, Counting on/ back.

The answer for this question was 49.

I enjoyed doing the division because It was fun to try something new since I've never done division.

Basic Facts Boxes

I did some Basic Facts Boxes.
I got no answers wrong while doing the Basic Facts Boxes.

In liked doing the Basic Facts Boxes.

SSR Selfie

I read 6 pages of: Scooby Doo the ghost town mystery.

My favourite part is how funny Scooby and Shaggy are.

I liked reading this book.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

BFB | Basic Facts Boxes

I did some basic facts boxes.

I did subtraction on the speed demon challenge, I got 06mins and 05secs.

I got no answers wrong, I enjoyed doing the basic facts boxes.

SSR Selfie

I read 8 pages of Hatupatu and the Birdwoman.

My favourite part is how many animals there are because I like animals.

I liked reading Hatupatu and the Birdwoman.

Problem solving

 I did the problem solving task.

In the beginning, on Monday I used, written algorithm, place value and, counting on\back for times. On Thursday I used, repeated addition, switch to multiplication and, counting on\ back for division. I did the division on Thursday because on Tuesday and Wednesday I didn't know how to do the division on those days.

I enjoyed learning about how to do the division.

Basic Facts Boxes

I completed a basic facts boxes brain biox challenge.

I got no answers wrong.

This was easy to do but next time I want to go faster.


I did some Stepwebs.

For the first task I had to do was find the word.

I got no errors when I was doing find the word task.

After I did the find the word task I had to do the choose the word task.
I only got 2 errors on this task.
I enjoyed doing both of the tasks.


 I did some ore Stepsweb.

The first task I had to do was: Choose the word.

I only got one answer wrong.

After choose the word the next task I had to do was: Word flash.
I only had to pass a few times.
I enjoyed doing both tasks.


I did some stepsweb.

The first task I had to do was: word search.

I got no mistakes when doing this task. The next task I had to do was: word search.
I only struggled on a few words. I enjoyed doing both tasks.

SSR Selfie

I did SSR Selfie.

I read the book The Wonky Donkey.

My favourite part was when The Wonky Donkey farted on the bird.

I enjoyed reading The Wonky Donkey.


I did the Madlibs task with my reading group: Duffy Readers.

First we had to write down a boys name, the name we chose is: Jack.

Next we had to write down Jacks freind's name, the name we chose is: Matt.

Lastly that we had to write down a city and a monster, the city we chose is: New York. The monster we chose was a vampire.

It was fun sharing our ideas on what to write down.


I made a google slide-show on Madibs.

I used invasion on my 2 Madlibs.

The first one I made was about cows.

The second one was about bowls, I will make some more in the future so can you please comment some ideas? It will help me on future madlibs!

Here is the slide show.

SSR Selfie

I read the book, Robopop.

The main topic is about Daisy and Dylan when there dad had to go out and they had to be babysitted by Robopop.

I liked the book because I like robots.